no you have female gardevoirs and male galledes. it is impossible to get male gardevoirs and female galledes
Catch a Kirlia in the North of route 212 and evolve it.
Yeah but Entei Raikou Regice Regirock Registeel and Mewtwo is better if you have them if not try Torkoal Shiftry Gardivoir Golem Swellow and Aggron
Kirlia does not need a stone to evolve into Gardivoir, but it does evolve into Gardevoir at level 30, Hope that helps! wow! what game? i have a kirlia and a ralts on Pokemon darkness and i want kirlia to evolve into gardevoir and its a girl.
a person inside their house at pastoria city
you can't catch a wild gallade , only by evolving a male gardivoir
Catch a Kirlia in the North of route 212 and evolve it.
level up kirlia to level 30 or use a dawn stone on a male kirlia to get a galade
You can't evolve Gardevoir into anything. If you want Gallade you need to have a male Kirlia and use a dawn stone.
Sorry to bust your chops but it does not work like that. Actually, You gotta give a Male Kirlia a Dawn Stone and it'll evolve to Gallade.
no one has a gardivoir you have to evolve it from a ralts then fight all the people that had the ralts more than 3 times each then one of them will have a gardivoir
lvl 41
There is one in the Altru Tower.
Don't see why not
you can't find a gardevior in the wild
put a gardivoir and a gallade in the daycare and they will.......................lay an egg
When Kirlia reaches Lv. 30. Its very quickly!