While it is possible, it's hard to do, since it is only a 12.5% chance that you will get a female one.
pick it as your starter
Usually at target you can find a piplup doll in the Pokemon section. If you are asking 'Where can you find a Piplup in the Pokemon game?' you need the ds games Pokemon Diamond, Pokemon Pearl, or Platinum.
No, you have to trade with diamond, platinum or pearl.
Turtwig Chimchar Piplup
Get it as a starter in diamond, pearl and platinum
You cannot catch Piplup in any game.
Turtwig, Chimchar, and Piplup.
Chimchar, piplup, and turtwig.
you get piplup as a starter in Pokemon diamond/pearl/platinum
turtwig,chimchar,and piplup
turtwig chimchar piplup
pick it as your starter
Usually at target you can find a piplup doll in the Pokemon section. If you are asking 'Where can you find a Piplup in the Pokemon game?' you need the ds games Pokemon Diamond, Pokemon Pearl, or Platinum.
when you start the game you can choose a piplup or chimchar or tutwig.
in the begining of the game If you want a piplup and a turtwig or chimchar I suggest trading.