You can get a Victini that's lvl 50 with V-create through an event. Other than that, you can't.
It is not possible to get to the Faraway Island on Pokemon Channel. Faraway Island is an event location exclusive to Pokemon Emerald.
there is a Nintendo event maybe at gamestop and go to it with Pokemon heartgold and soulsilver and there you will get celibi
action replay
Once you earn 5 badges go to the Petulburg Pokemon center. there is a guy by the computer. He asks to create a new profile. click yes a nd type in: Mystery event is Exciting. You're now a mystery events member!
Yes, If it was a big/ powerful enough event, its possible.
No, it is not... sorry guy.
You could trade for one.
If you change the date on your DS then it changes the date on Pokemon
Genesect is an event legendary, so catching it is only possible through an event or by hacking/cheating.
Yes, you need a link cable and a friend who has the Mystery Event.
unfortunately, it is impossible to create your own Pokemon, you can only have the Pokemon featured in the games, but it is possible to modify them
they are searing shot and v-create but v-create is a event move that has not been announced by nintendo.
It's possible if you have a gameshark or there's a Nintendo event only
There no pokemon event
You can get a Victini that's lvl 50 with V-create through an event. Other than that, you can't.
It is not possible to get to the Faraway Island on Pokemon Channel. Faraway Island is an event location exclusive to Pokemon Emerald.