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There are sites that offer free and legal games. These are games that were specifically released by the developer with the intention of being free. They are often referred to as freeware or shareware. You can also often find free trial versions. Some sites that you may find these at are Pogo, DFG, Freegames, Addicting Games, and Miniclip. There is nothing at all illegal or immoral about downloading these games for free, because this is what they were intending for. However, if you were to download games that are normally for sale, usually ones that need cracks or serials to work, you would be committing an illegal act.

In reference to licensed non freeware games:

No, downloading games off the internet is never ok. When you download a game off the Internet you are stealing money from those who spend their time to design those games, and need the money from game purchases. You are not only hurting the big corporations who make those games, but you are hurting the little guys too. The people who program the games rely on their paychecks to make a living and if everyone downloaded games off the Internet those people would have no money. You are also not only hurting people who work directly with the production of the game, but you are hurting anyone who the company helps out also. You are hurting the person who the company buys their coffee from, you are hurting the people who mow the lawn outside the building. Downloading games from the Internet is stealing and that is not only a sin, but it is a crime. If you are caught you could face years in prison and a huge fine. Also if morals and ethics aren't enough to convince you most of the Internet Game downloads are packed with viruses which will harm your computer from the second you make the mistake of downloading that game. Go to your store and buy the game, you would help the economy, the small guys and you could sleep soundly at night knowing that you are not the cause for a person's unemployment.

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Continue Learning about Games

Can you jailbreak a Nintendo DS?

Okay, it is possible to get free games on the Nintendo DS, and even turn your DS into a phone, an mp3 player, and be able to play gameboy, gameboy colour, NES, SNES and homebrew games, but you need to go online and buy a Flash Cart (like Supercard, R4, or CycloDS) and a mini SD card. Then you can download ROMs (Game files) from many sources on the internet. You'll need to have some computer knowledge and later on even some programming knowledge, but it's all worth it.

Is there a free wolf mating game?

Well I only know of one and it lets you mate and take care of your pack. It it is okay. I hope this helped. I have been looking for more wolf games.- the killing wolf

What kind games of games that let you interact with other people and you don't have to download it?

You can Play Runescape from its oficcial Page It's a very adicctive game where you can interact with other people, and you dont have to download anything. It's Similar to: MU Online, or Lineage II, but with less graphics ^^ Okay Ya you can do that or Pixeljam Dinorun. Its cool but don't spam because you'll get banned and you won't be able to talk to anyone. It's not very safe but I like to play it!

What would you prefer books or Video games?

Id prefer games and books. They are both fun but i think games are better. Its awesome. Books are good when you have absolutely nothing to do. Okay. Bye.

Does playing violent games affect your health?

Yes, but than again no it depends on what games your playing and how you go about playing them... In some ways playing violent games can change your health so be careful of what games you play okay..

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Yes, it is okay if you download Pokemon Crystal for free if it's not illegal. Before downloading any data from the Internet it is vital that you check with your ISP and your specific countries laws with regards to the downloading of content from the Internet.

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Okay, they usually are too good to be true. I know of one website that has a lot of games to download that are free and unlimited. The website is or okay. Hope u like the website. Enjoy the games!

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People can easily Copy right things in seconds because of IT and the internet. It would be okay…IF it is legal. You can also download music, films, videos etc in seconds and it is free to do. Again it would be okay….IF it is legal.

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yes and no because some times it is illegal and sometimes its not

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Bee Mp3 is an okay website

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drm controls what you can or cannot download, okay??;)

Where can people download the new moon trailer for free?

okay. i was just surfing the internet for the second official new moon trailer and i came across a site that you can download the first official new moon trailer for free. here it is!

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yea you can only if your computer allows it

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stick rpg is okay if yours a teen or older

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sorry to say but downloading is illegal unless downloaded from a proper site and you must pay

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