Id prefer games and books. They are both fun but i think games are better. Its awesome. Books are good when you have absolutely nothing to do. Okay. Bye.
i prefer video games to conputer games.
Well... no. If it were to replace anything it would replace movies, but that won't happen; at least for a long time.
video games are video games. nobody cares how many there are just that theres like a million. If somebody would actually count that, I praise him/her.
"J'aime le jeux vidéo" is how you would say "I live video games in French.
some video games like if there all bloody and stuff if i were a goth i would like games like resident evil What kind of question is that. I guess I am a bit goth and I LOVE video games!!!!!!
i prefer video games to conputer games.
One would be able to find books that are novelizations of games at Chapters, Indigo or any book store. Amazon has a list of books that were based on video games in different genres such as RPG's, Action and First-person shooter.
Well... no. If it were to replace anything it would replace movies, but that won't happen; at least for a long time.
People who buy video games.
Most kids would choose to play video games, instead of homework.
Yes, he would like to talk about video games to Michaela, because he likes her. Brennan think that Michaela is his friend. I think that I would like to talk about video games, because it is my favorite interested. Michaela would also talk stories to Brennan about video games. Brennan said "that he like to talk stories to Michaela about video games."
There are many different kinds of video games that would be appropriate for a five year old. There are princess games, popular children's movie video games, and many other types of video games. Check your local video game store.
Video games in Spanish is video juegos. For example if you wanted to ask a friend, Do you want to play video games?, you would ask, ¿Quieres jugar video juegos?
Generally, that's an opinionated question and each person would answer that differently. I myself prefer Sonic games, but I have several friends who prefer Mario.
video games are video games. nobody cares how many there are just that theres like a million. If somebody would actually count that, I praise him/her.
Convince the child that there are better things to do than play video games. Take them to the park, the mall, the library, or any other place that they would find fun. Give them some good books. If none of this works, give them chores.
According to researches, about 46% of kids drop because of video games.