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It is potentially dangerous to catch missingno. Because it is a glitch in the game, it can result in erasing all your data in your game.

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Q: Is it dangerous to catch missingno?
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How do you glitch on Pokemon Yellow?

catch Missingno

How do you catch missingno in Pokemon Crystal?

you cant catch missingno but you can send it from red and blue I'm pretty sure but it wil turn into a ditto i think you can also catch glitches on Pokemon crystal.

What happens if you catch missingno?

If you catch missingno from the Cinnabar Csland glitch, nothing will happen, except, when you level it up, it evolves into Kangaskahn (teach it fly beforehand for some lols :D) But if you catch missingno from the lavender town glitch it will screw everything up, so don't!!

How to glitch Pokemon Blue verison?

catch a Missingno

What to do if you get into a battle with missingno?

You get out of there quickly don't try and catch it

How do you get missingNo on yellow?

Catch it on red or blue and trade it to yellow

You want to catch missingo in Pokemon FireRed?

There is no Missingno. anymore.

How do you find missingno not catch it without messing up the game?

All you do is do any cheat on it that is unusual and in the grass missingno will appear and RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can you catch missingno in yellow version?

No because the man who teaches you how to catch Pokemon will not show you how to catch Pokemon no matter how many times you talk to him plus if he does show you how to catch Pokemon and you go to cinnibar island and try to find missingno it still will not show up ever.

How do you catch a missingno in red?

Same thing as finding it in blue version

Where is missingno in emerald?

to make appear missingno in Pokemon emerald you need a advance map and make a grass patch configure to make appear Pokemon but only 2 or 3 and play the modified ROM go to the new grass patch and you will find missingno but if you want catch you need the master ball save before you catch missingno sometimes he disappear of your game

Is the missingno virus in the game?

you have to go to the right of cinnabar island and surf up and down the right side of the island on a lapras. If you do this for long enough then the missingno virus will appear. Don't catch it or your game will break. It broke mine. Nope, if you catch it, you'll be fine. I did it! you CAN put it in the p.c but do NOT put 2 in at once, it'll freeze the game. MissingNo is a cool pokemon. When you catch it, it'll have 2 water guns and some type of air attack. And again, it's OK to catch it. Have fun with your ne MissingNo's guys!