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A Fusion Summon is a Special Summon and things that can be used against Special Summons can also be used against a Fusion Summon.

But not all Special Summons are Fusion Summons, even if they do so happen to summon a Fusion Monster. For example, Cyber Stein Special Summons a fusion monster, it does not Fusion Summon it.

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Q: Is fusion summon the same as special summon?
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Can you normal summon then fusion summon on the same turn?

Yes, you are able to normal summon then fusion summon, because the fusion summon is a special summon

Can you normal summoned and syncrho summoned in the same turn?

yes becaus a syncro summon is a special summon as is a fusion summon

Can you synchro summon and fusion summon in the same turn?

Yes, of course. You are allowed to perform as many special summons in a turn as you've got the resources to do so, Synchro and Fusion summons are kinds of special summon.

Can you use bottomless trap hole on a Fusion Summon monster?

A Fusion Summon is considered a special summon, so anything that can respond to a special summon (such as Bottomless Trap Hole) can be used against it.

What card card can you bring out any fusion monster without using polymerization for yugioh?

No one card can Special Summon any Fusion Monster. Because some Fusion Monsters specify that they "cannot be Special Summoned except by a Fusion Summon", cards like "Metamorphosis" will not be able to Special Summon them. Even "Instant Fusion" cannot Special Summon Fusion Monsters that state "This card can only be Special Summoned from your Extra Deck by returning the above cards you control to the Deck."

Can you fusion summon dark gaia with future fusion?

No, Elemental Hero Dark Gaia cannot be special summoned, except by the effect of 'Dark Fusion'. You cannot use any other special summon methods (like Monster Reborn), or even other fusion summon methods (Polymerization, Re-Fusion, Future Fusion).

Can you normal summon fusion monsters in Yu-Gi-Oh WITHOUT polymerization?

A Fusion Monster can never be Normal Summoned, as it is impossible to put them in your hand. A Fusion Monster must be Special Summoned, be it Fusion Summon through Polymerization or similar, or a regular Special Summon by any card that can do it.

What are fusions in Yu-Gi-Oh?

A Fusion Summon is the game mechanic where a player initiates a Special Summoning of a Fusion Monster. This is usually used with the effect of Polymerization.For more information on what a Fusion Summon or Fusion Monster is, or how to initiate a Fusion Summon, click on the "Related Link" below.

If you activate De-synchro on an opponents monsters do you get to special summon the monsters used for that synchro summon to your field?

Nope. Same as De-Fusion. You can't get an opponent's monster on your side of the field by activating De-Synchro or De-Fusion.

Can you use the effect of 'Cyber Stein' to summon 'Cyberdark Dragon'?

Cyberdark Dragon cannot be summoned except by Fusion Summon. Cyber Stein does not 'fusion summon' the fusion monsters is summons, it is only a special summon. It therefore cannot summon monsters like Dark Paladin, or Cyberdark Dragon.

Does trap hole work on fusions?

A Fusion Summon, or the Summoning of any Monster (Synchro or Fusion) from the Fusion Deck (Extra Deck) is a special summon and so Trap Hole will not work on it.

Is Transformation Summon the same as Fusion Summon?

No. Transformation Summon is not an official term so should not be used outside discussion of the Yu-Gi-Oh GX manga. In the manga itself, while the monsters came from the Extra deck, a Transformation Summon was a form of Special Summon only, and not a Fusion Summon. It was never made clear if the Transformation Monsters were Fusion Monsters, or some kind of Effect Monster or a totally new type.