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Cyberdark Dragon cannot be summoned except by Fusion Summon. Cyber Stein does not 'fusion summon' the fusion monsters is summons, it is only a special summon. It therefore cannot summon monsters like Dark Paladin, or Cyberdark Dragon.

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Q: Can you use the effect of 'Cyber Stein' to summon 'Cyberdark Dragon'?
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Can you summon proto-cyber dragon and then use polymerization with cyber dragon in your hand to summon cyber twin dragon?

Yes. The whole idea behind Proto-Cyber Dragon's name changing effect is to let it be used for Cyber Dragon support and fusion.

Can Versago the Destroyer be substituted for a Cyber Dragon when Fusion Summoning Cyber Twin Dragon?

No, "Versago the Destroyer" cannot be used as a Substitute-Fusion Material monster in the Fusion Summon of "Cyber Twin Dragon". "Cyber Twin Dragon" specifically states: A Fusion Summon of this card can only be conducted with the above Fusion Material Monsters. This card can be Special Summoned from the Extra Deck using "Cyber-Stein" or "Metamorphosis", but if it is Fusion Summoned, two "Cyber Dragon" cards must be used. The closest you can get to a Substitute-Fusion Material monster for "Cyber Twin Dragon" is if you have "Proto-Cyber Dragon" on the field. (It's card name is treated as "Cyber Dragon" while on the field.)

What is the card code for blue eyes ultimate dragon?

23995346 a cheat to summon it is get cyber-stein and activate its effect then choose beud note:it will cost u 5000 points

Can cyber end dragon attack three times?

No it can not. "Cyber Dragon" + "Cyber Dragon" + "Cyber Dragon" A Fusion Summon of this card can only be conducted with the above Fusion Material Monsters. During battle between this attacking card and a Defense Position monster whose DEF is lower than the ATK of this card, inflict the difference as Battle Damage to your opponent. ^^It doesn't say it can attack 3 times.

What cards are needed for a Cyber Dragon Yu-Gi-Oh deck?

Cyber Dragon DeckMonsters: Cyber dragon (3)X- head cannonCyber phoenixProto cyber dragon (3)SupplyGyroidCyber jarCyber barrier dragonCyber laser dragonCyber orge (2)Cyber kirinCyber valleyCyber dragon zweiArmored cybernGear golem the moving fortressSpell cards:Polymerization (2)Power bondDifferent dimension capsulephoton generator unitDe-fusionFusion recoveryPremature burialLimiter removelLightning vortexTraps:Cyber summon blasterDust tornadoMichizureNegate attackDraining shieldNightmare wheelDamage polarizermagic cylinderFusion deck:Cyber end dragon (2)Cyber twin dragonCyber ogre 2chimeratech fortress dragonchimeratech overdragon

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Can you summon Cyber Dark Dragon with Dimension Distortion?

No, the text for Cyberdark Dragon says: "This monster cannot be Special Summoned except by Fusion Summon..."

What is the best deck you can make using only Zane Truesdale booster packs?

Your best bet is a cyber or cyberdark deck, with cards like Cyber Dragon for Cyber and Cyberdark Keel for Cyberdark.

Can you summon proto-cyber dragon and then use polymerization with cyber dragon in your hand to summon cyber twin dragon?

Yes. The whole idea behind Proto-Cyber Dragon's name changing effect is to let it be used for Cyber Dragon support and fusion.

Show Zane Truesdales deck cards?

I got this from a Zane Truesdale Duelist Pack, it doesn't show how many of one card he has, but its a start. This is light and dark Zanes deck I think. Cyber Dragon Cyber Barrier Dragon Cyber Laser Dragon Proto-Cyber Dragon Cyber Kirin Cyber Phoenix Cyberdark Horn Cyberdark Edge Cyberdark Keel Infernal Dragon Cyber Twin Dragon Cyber End Dragon Chimeratech Overdragon Cyberdark dragon Mystical Space Typhoon Limiter Removal De-Fusion Creature Swap Different Dimension Capsule Power Bond Photon Generator unit Overlode Fusion Future Fusion Ruthless Denial Call Of The Haunted Trap Jammer Attack Reflector Unit Return Soul Damage Polarizer Fusion Guard

If it is your turn and you have cyber dragon in your hand with no monsters on the field can you special summon cyber dragon and then normal summon or set another monster?

well judging by you question, I'm assuming that your opponent has a monster on the field. if that's the case then yes, since cyber dragon's effect lets you special summon it-which doesn't count as a normal summon-which means you can still normal summon on the same turn.

What cards are needed to make the ultimate dragon deck?

cards for the ultimate Dragon deck is:Chaos Emperor Dragon - Envoy of the End3 Blue-eyes white Dragon Blue-eyes ultimate DragonF. G. D. Red-eyes black Dragon Red-eyes darkness dragon3X Cyber Dragon Cyber Twin Dragon Cyber End DragonCyberdark Horn Cyberdark Edge Cyberdark KeelMasked Dragon Armed Dragon LV3 Armed Dragon LV5Exploder Dragon Twin-Headed BehemothChimeratech Overdragon Cyberdark DragonSpellsFuture Fusion, Dragon's Mirror, Power Bond, Overload Fusion.and you should have Cyber-Stein it's really useful.and photon generator unit and cyber barrier dargon

Is it possible to use the light hex sealed fusion from the players hand without polymerization?

If you are talking about its effect to Special Summon a Fusion Monster with his effect, you can't. You have to have both The Light - Hex Sealed Fusion along with another Fusion Material, for example Cyber Dragon to Summon Cyber Twin Dragon, and Tribute both of them, and Special Summon Cyber Twin Dragon. His effect can be used to Tribute itself, including Cyber Twin, even if Cyber Twin says it can only use the above Fusion Materials for its Fusion Summon, but The Light Hex Sealed can be used as a substitute, since it is being used for a Special Summon, but not a Fusion Summon. If you are talking about his substitute effect, I'm not sure how you even can use that effect without the use of Polymerization.

Can you tribute summon gorz?

Yes. Like Cyber Dragon, Gorz 'can' special summon himself with his effect, but he is not a 'special summon only' monster, he can be tribute summoned with two tributes, if you want.

Can the effect of light from a hex-sealed fusion be used to summon Cyber End Dragon or Cyber Twin Dragon in Yu-Gi-Oh?

Yes, you can use the effect of The Light - Hex-Sealed Fusion to Special Summon either Cyber-fusion monster. Obviously you need to have Hex and one or more Cyber Dragons on the field to use its effect. However, you cannot use Hex to Fusion Summon (using Polymerzation, Future Fusion, etc.) any of the Cyber-fusion monsters because their text states a Fusion Summon of the monster must be conducted with the correct monsters.

Can you special summon Dragon master knight using cyber stein or Temple of the kings effect?

no, dragon master knight can only be fusion summoned.

Can you divine wrath Cyber Dragon when it is summoned due it to be an effect of special summon?

No, Divine Wrath can only be used against effects that activate. Most of the time, when a monster has a way to special summon itself, this is an inherent special summon, just like a normal summon, it does not use the chain. Because it doesn't use the chain, you can't chain an effect negation card to it, though you can use summon negation cards like Solemn Judgment. If the special summon is an activated effect (like Dandylion's effect to special summon tokens, or Gorz's effect to summon himself) then these can be stopped using Divine Wrath. But Cyber Dragon's special summon cannot.

Can you special summon two cyber dragons at the same time using their special ability?

No, you cannot special summon two Cyber Dragons at the same time using their special ability. Cyber Dragon's special summon ability allows you to special summon it from your hand if you control no monsters and your opponent controls a monster. You can only special summon one Cyber Dragon per activation of this ability, as the card text specifies "a Cyber Dragon" rather than "Cyber Dragons."