Yes,it is at the power plant outside in the grass. The chance of you finding one is 5% during morning or night. During day it is at 10%.
The only way to get electabuzz in soul silver is to level up elekid to level 30.
If you are on about pearl, diamond, platinum, heart gold or soul silver you need to get an electraviser give it to electabuzz then trade it with a mate (DONT TRADE VIA WIFI BECAUSE THEY WILL PROBABLY NEVER GIVE BACK AN ELECTAVIRE)
get an electabuzz and a ditto and put them into the day care center then later the day care man will phone you to say that he has an egg for you get it and when it hatches you will have a elekid
it's more of an opion question,I'd go with raikou but if you're looking for a non-legendary I'd go with electabuzz.
in soul silver
You catch an Electabuzz on Route 10 and the Safari Zone.
The only way to get electabuzz in soul silver is to level up elekid to level 30.
You have to trade it while it's holding Electrizer.
Electabuzz does not evolve via level up in SoulSilver.However, if you trade your Electabuzz whilst it is holding an Electerizer (or however you spell it) it will evolve into Electivire.
You must have an Electrizer equiped to it and trade it. It will evolve into an Electivire.
Electabuzz evolves by trading it while having it hold an item called the Electrizer, but only in 4th gen games on (Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, Heart Gold, and Soul Silver)
If you are on about pearl, diamond, platinum, heart gold or soul silver you need to get an electraviser give it to electabuzz then trade it with a mate (DONT TRADE VIA WIFI BECAUSE THEY WILL PROBABLY NEVER GIVE BACK AN ELECTAVIRE)
you can find electabuzz in the grass beside the power plant in kanto region note most of the time it will be a raticate that appears
Electabuzz doesn't evolve through leveling up. Youevolve him by link trading him while he holds the Electrilizer.
shinx,manectric,luxio,magneton,manemite,mareep,electrike,pachirisu,electabuzz and voltorb
What you need to do is trade it. Trade to some other person who will trade it back. They'll witness the evolution of the new Electavire, but you won't.
get an electabuzz and a ditto and put them into the day care center then later the day care man will phone you to say that he has an egg for you get it and when it hatches you will have a elekid