Yes. Although it doesn't have a bigger move pool, Drill Peck and Tri-Attack, along with knowing both the strong and essential Annoyer-role attacks, (for competitive play) make up for this.
Nonetheless, it's a great addition to any team.
Doduo evolves into Dodrio, starting at level 31.
Good against steel Pokemon are fire and water Pokemon.
Yes, Haunter is a very good Pokemon
Flying type Pokemon are good against normal Pokemon.
it is actually a good Pokemon if you have 1 then you will just destroy Psychic type Pokemon
level 31
Doduo evolves into Dodrio, starting at level 31.
Level 31, Doduo evolves into Dodrio
Duduo evolves into Dudrio at Lv. 31.
no because if you play you will find out..........
I believe it evolves on level 31.
Box 1 Pokemon: Butterfree, Beedril, Zubat, Paras, Abra, Diglett, Geodude, Sandshrew, Pikachu, Rattata, Meoth, Mankey, Machop, Pidgey, Bellsprout, Gastly, Duduo, Exxecute, Drowzee Party Pokemon: Dugtrio, Hitmonlee, Onix, Charizard, Beedril, Flareon Results: Best of Party Pokemon: DUGTRIO, CHARIZARD, ONIX Best of Box 1 Pokemon: PIKACHU, DROWZEE, GASTLY
In Pokemon I've never heard of that attack Could you mean: Double Kick or Tri attack. If you mean Tri-attack the well: Tri Attack does damage, and has a 20% chance of either paralyzing, freezing or burning the target. Each ailment has a 6.67% chance of being inflicted. The Pokemon that learn it is: Duduo, Dodrio, and all the Porygons! So i think you meant Tri attack.
Pokemon are pocket monsters that can be good some times or not but Pokemon are your friends
It is a pretty good pokemon with good attack and defense
Good against steel Pokemon are fire and water Pokemon.