not so much. yeah, he has nice defences. but it lacks the power to deal damage and to actually be a threat with sub attacks and traps. also, claydol has 6 type weaknesses.
so a big clayNO to this guy.
He is rare but not a legendary because legendary means that there is only one of its kind.
You will need to place Ditto in the Daycare first, then place Claydol with it to breed it.
Relic Castle (Claydol Chamber) at level: 47, 48, 49, 50 in the wild:100%
Claydol is both Ground and Psychic type. This means Bug, Ghost, Water, Grass, Ice and Dark will all be 2x effective.
Baltoy evolves at level 36 into Claydol.
Claydol is a Ground and Psychic type pokemon.
A water type would be best.
Baltoy > lvl 36 > Claydol
He is rare but not a legendary because legendary means that there is only one of its kind.
You will need to place Ditto in the Daycare first, then place Claydol with it to breed it.
Claydol is #344 in the national pokedex, and it is a Ground-Psychic type Pokemon.
pokemon don't have in-game value.
You can find many pokemon. You can find baltoy which evolves into claydol(very good pokemon) also you may find sandshrew and cacnea which is also a good pokemon when it evolves into cacturn
Claydol, Sableye, Rayquaza.
Baltoy is a third generation Pokemon of dual Ground and Psychic types. It evolves at level 36 into Claydol.
Relic Castle (Claydol Chamber) at level: 47, 48, 49, 50 in the wild:100%
in the battlegruond buck has Shuckle Umbreon Dusknoir Torkoal Claydol