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Claydol is both Ground and Psychic type. This means Bug, Ghost, Water, Grass, Ice and Dark will all be 2x effective.

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What type of Pokemon is claydol?

Claydol is a Ground and Psychic type pokemon.

When does baltoy evolve into claydol in Pokemon sapphire?

Baltoy > lvl 36 > Claydol

Is the Pokemon Claydol a legendary?

He is rare but not a legendary because legendary means that there is only one of its kind.

In pokemon how can you breed Claydol?

You will need to place Ditto in the Daycare first, then place Claydol with it to breed it.

What is the national pokedex number for Claydol?

Claydol is #344 in the national pokedex, and it is a Ground-Psychic type Pokemon.

How much is claydol worth in pokemon?

pokemon don't have in-game value.

What Pokemon can you get in Sky pillar?

Claydol, Sableye, Rayquaza.

Baltoy evolves to claydol?

Baltoy is a third generation Pokemon of dual Ground and Psychic types. It evolves at level 36 into Claydol.

Where can you capture claydol in Pokemon black?

Relic Castle (Claydol Chamber) at level: 47, 48, 49, 50 in the wild:100%

Pokemon Platinum what are bucks Pokemon?

in the battlegruond buck has Shuckle Umbreon Dusknoir Torkoal Claydol

What is bucks Pokemon deck on Pokemon Diamond?

He just has a Claydol but on Pokemon Platinum he has a full team and you can battle him in the battleground