it depends. the higher the level the more powerful it is. if its a high level then it is powerful. evolve it into floatzel. it even more powerful.
Buizel is basic. If youre thinking of Floatzel it evolves from Buizel.
Buizel is a water type
Ash never caught Buizel. Dawn caught it but she traded her Buizel for his Aipom.
Dawn catches Buizel in the episode that is titled "Buizel Your Way Outta This."
Buizel evolves at level 26.
Buizel evolves into Floatzel.
Bui: Buoyancy is the act of floating in water. Zel: Buizel looks like a Weasel.
Buizel is a Water type pokemon.
Buizel evolves at level 26.
Buizel evolves at level 26.
i think buizel is only in sinnoh
my stickedex was missing buizel sticker