No because he has been beaten number of times BUT he might eventually turn into the best Pokemon trainer there ever was his picachu is sapost to be like lv 100 but it got beaten alot of times
ASH became a Pokemon trainer when he was ten.
That's not ash its trainer red although he's based off from Pokemon yellow.
In pokemon, Ash and Dawn are tied up! They both have the same amount of strong pokemon! Ash's Pikachu is on lvl. 82 but Dawn's Piplup is on lvl. 83! They are very much tied up although Ash might be a little tiny bit stronger!
Technically Ash is not in Pokemon Crystal, instead there is trainer Red but we all know it is Ash. Trainer Red (Ash) is located in Mount silver. After you get every badge in the game, go to prof. Oak and he will unlock mount silver for you. you must use flash to see inside the cave and look around for Trainer Red.
Season 1 Episode 29 "The Punchy Pokemon!" ash meets hitmonchan and his trainer and enters the competition
Pokemon trainer Ash at the top of a Mountain
ash ketchum
ASH became a Pokemon trainer when he was ten.
no but trainer red is basically ash
he is the main character of all the Pokemon shows
No. By exastly the trainer keeps their pokemon from kissing other trainer's pokemon.
Not really. Ash is a Pokemon trainer, one of those who carry Pokeballs which contain Pokemon, but Pikachu stays on his shoulder.
That's not ash its trainer red although he's based off from Pokemon yellow.
The Best Pokemon Trainer i think is Casey apparentlly never beaten he appears in all Pokemon games after you beat the elite 4 like hundreads of times or something from what i hear or maybe red also known as ash
Well according to the show Ash is kinda the awesome Pokemon trainer he has a almost lvl 100 Pikachu
If you train your pokemon or use cheats you can be the best trainer.