yes you can make account on and then u will clink on how to play here and there is wrote what u have to do and thenucan play
Any copy of the original game (World of Warcraft classic) should come with one month of game time included. This goes for digital and physical versions. Expansions (The Burning Crusade, Wrath of the Lich King and Cataclysm) do not come with a free month.
Yes. However, you can download a free-to-try trial of World of Warcraft on their website. That demo allows you to try out World of Warcraft for 10 days, totally free. If you then want to proceed playing on that account, you can choose to pay a monthly fee.
Free Realms & World of Warcraft.
Free Realms & World of Warcraft.
you could play "Warcraft" you have to buy it frist
When you purchase World of Warcraft, you automatically receive The Burning Crusade with it as Blizzard recently merged the two. There is no more free trial for Burning Crusade.
download it from
I'm a world of warcraft fan but no you dont. And I don't know if that still works
You can get the download of Burning Crusade directly from the World of Warcraft Official site. Every piece of world of warcraft is available to download at the site. If you get the game from the store tho you will get a free month or two of the game and of course the packaging.
The free trial involves only Classic World of Warcraft - the next expansion pack in line is The Burning Crusade.
Nope, you can only have one trial at a time. If you have the payed account for regular World of Warcraft then you can download The Burning Crusade trial. If you have The Burning Crusade then you can download the Wrath of the Lich King trial.
When you buy the classic World of Warcraft game, you will receive one month of free playtime with it. Expansion packs (The Burning Crusade, Wrath of the Lich King, Cataclysm) do not come with any additional playtime.
You will still have to pay the 15$/mo. -- If you do not want to pay a store for the installation media, you can download the installer form the World of Warcraft site. But like the previous answer, you still have to pay the monthly fee. You also have to pay to start the service and for the expansions.
Any copy of the original game (World of Warcraft classic) should come with one month of game time included. This goes for digital and physical versions. Expansions (The Burning Crusade, Wrath of the Lich King and Cataclysm) do not come with a free month.
No. You may get a free ten day trial, which will allow you to reach level 20, and enter any standard World of Warcraft Area. However, you will not be able to access any Burning Crusade or Lich King areas until you actually have an account and buy the expansion.
Yes, you need not only the regular World of Warcraft game, you need the two other expansions in order to play Cataclysm. This is because if you level to level 60 then you will need to level to level 70 (Burning Crusade Expansion) if you want to continue leveling. Then you will need to level to level 80 (Wrath of the Lich King) and then finally level 85 (Cataclysm). You do not have to level to 85 but most people who buy the expansion do. You will need: World of Warcraft (original/regular game) The Burning Crusade (now included for free in the basic version of the game) Wrath of the Lich King
If you upgrade from basic wow, to Burning Crusade, yes, you get a free month. Same goes for if you upgrade from Burning Crusade to Wrath of the Lich King.