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Yes. However, you can download a free-to-try trial of World of Warcraft on their website. That demo allows you to try out World of Warcraft for 10 days, totally free.

If you then want to proceed playing on that account, you can choose to pay a monthly fee.

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Q: If you download World of Warcraft do you have to pay monthly?
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Free download compressed game World of Warcraft?

The game installer can be downloaded freely from the world of warcraft website. You will still have to pay the monthly subscription fee. There is no way of getting around this.

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You will still have to pay the 15$/mo. -- If you do not want to pay a store for the installation media, you can download the installer form the World of Warcraft site. But like the previous answer, you still have to pay the monthly fee. You also have to pay to start the service and for the expansions.

Where and how do you download World of Warcraft full?

The client can always be downloaded for free from the World of Warcraft website. While the client is free, you must pay for a monthly subscription if you want to play the game. World of Warcraft is NOT free. The client is available from the link in the related links section below Please note the price of the game is 15 dollars monthly. Also, You have to download the battlechest right?

Once you buy World of Warcraft do you still have to pay?

Yes, unfortunately you have to pay monthly for it, or 2 monthly your payment choice

Do you have to pay for an account for World of Warcraft and how much does it cost?

Monthly fee is about $15.00

Is World of Warcraft wharth of lich king monthly subscripton?

World of Warcraft has a monthly subscription, regardless of which expansions you have installed. The expansions do cost money, but once installed you don't have to pay extra - the subscription remains the same.

In World of Warcraft do you have to pay a monthly fee if you have the CD?

Yes, no matter where you buy the game the $13.99 per month.

Dow you have to pay monthly when you get the game World of Warcraft in England?

Yes, you have to pay $15.00 or the European equivalent each and every month no matter where you are.

Do you have to pay monthly for World of Warcraft even if you do not go on the internet?

World of Warcraft is a Massively Multiplayer online Role Playing Game, maining it is only online. You can't play the game without the internet. You will have to pay to play the game as well.

How do you play World of Warcraft without having to pay the monthly rate?

You cannot play world of warcraft on any official server if you do not pay subscription fees, but there are private servers where people play. These are not endorsed by Blizzard and very buggy, but usually free.

In World of Warcraft do you half to pay monthly?

The price is $15 a month but theres cards with two months that can be bought at a game store.

How much money do you pay monthly for World of Warcraft?

15 dollars for 30 days, 30 dollars for 60 days, 50 cents a day