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You can't download what does not exist. There is no and may never be a "WolfQuest 3". Because Minnesota Zoo have stopped looking for funding resources such as national science grants; without funding, the development of WolfQuest cannot continue since it does cost money for 3D models, assets, scripts/code, and even staff to help make the game possible.
It should be made clear that the Minnesota Zoo no longer wants to look for funding sources, there won't be an episode three unless Eduweb (the developer) continues seeking grant money themselves. We're not yet sure what will happen for the future of WolfQuest, but what we do know is that the multiplayer chat lexicon (that enables players to speak freely to some extent) will eventually be removed, leaving only disabled and phrased chat options. The WolfQuest website will remain online indefinitely, and when it does go offline, it will no longer be possible to play multiplayer at all.

I'd strongly urge people who like the game and ask this question to view the two announcements posted by the former administrator, WQ Coordinator, who has sadly made these matters clear. (Related links below)

After five years of teaching the world about wolves, the project may be coming to an end.

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βˆ™ 11y ago
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βˆ™ 4y ago

You can’t install it unless your on Mac pc or windows

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Q: Is WolfQuest 3 out and can you download it?
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How do you download amethyst mountain delux wolfquest?

You can not download previous versions of WolfQuest. But, you can download the latest, WolfQuest 2.5! It can be found on WolfQuest's website(

When wolfquest will be for download?

It is already...actually... WolfQuest 2 and WolfQuest 2.5 are available for download now.

Where do you download Wolfquest One?

You can download Wolfquest One. Link available below.

How much is wolfquest?

WolfQuest is absolutely free. You can download it at the WolfQuest website.

Is WolfQuest free to download?

wolfquest is completely free

How do you download and install WolfQuest 3?

WolfQuest 3 isn't out yet, 2.5 is still being worked on, and the WolfQuest team hasn't said anything about a new WolfQuest coming out after 2.5.

How do you download wolfquest slough creek?

its out now so just download wolfquest again and it will update it

Where is WolfQuest sold?

You don't really buy Wolfquest you have to download it.

Can you download wolfquest on a nintendo3ds?

No. WolfQuest's engine does not support portable devices.

How do you play wolfquest without downloading?

You must download WolfQuest to play it.

Does it cost money to have an account for wolfquest?

No, the download for Wolfquest is completely free!!! yay!!!

Is wolfquest online game a virus?

WolfQuest does not download any viruses or any unwanted software if you download it only from the WolfQuest website: If you download the game from anywhere apart from WolfQuest then it may contain viruses and unwanted software. Also them downloads are illegal.