Suicune is a water-type Pokemon although it could learn ice-moves (e.g., Ice Fang, Mist, Aurora Beam, etc.) .
Suicune is a Water Type Pokemon.
First of all, it is Suicune, and second of all, it is a water type.
you need a Pokemon that knows any ice type move feraligatr for example it can learn ice punch OK then the leader of this gym uses dragon type Pokemon so i recommend you to raise dragon and water/ice type Pokemon well if you already have suicune lugia/ho-oh/raikou/entei you have to challenge Clair the dragon master
The most powerful water type is Suicune.
water and it a aurora Pokemon legendary Pokemon
Suicune is a Water Type Pokemon.
No. The Ice Fang does.
use google images and type in suicune
Entai = Fire Suicune = Water Raikou = Electricity
Suicune is #245 in the national pokedex, and it is a Water type Pokemon.
suicune will not have leafs on its head or body because it is not a grass type like megaime
Electric type
First of all, it is Suicune, and second of all, it is a water type.
The Pokemon that can learn Ice-type moves in Pokemon Ruby would include Swampert, Tentacruel, Golduck, Seel, Dewgong, Cloyster, Vaporeon, Octillery, Suicune, Sealeo, Walrein, Jynx, Articuno, Swinub, Glalie, Laapras, Kyogre, Hitmonchan and Medicham.
Level it up to level 50 and it will learn ice fang. I would go to the indigo plateau but that's just me.
you need a Pokemon that knows any ice type move feraligatr for example it can learn ice punch OK then the leader of this gym uses dragon type Pokemon so i recommend you to raise dragon and water/ice type Pokemon well if you already have suicune lugia/ho-oh/raikou/entei you have to challenge Clair the dragon master