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Nobody knows, the game hasn't come out yet.

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Q: Is Sonic generation faster than Sonic unleashed?
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Is sonic faster in unleashed or in generations?

Sonic the hedgehog is always fast but he is fastLee than the flash but sonic unleashed and generations will get mush faster than sonic forces the one that classic Sonic and warewolf sonic is pretty fast but not the warewolf form

Your sonic unleashed CD is written on it sonic unleashed 7 is that different than the real sonic unleashed?

Never heard of Sonic Unleashed 7 play the game and if the first stage is Apotos then its the same I guess.

Which game is really better Sonic and the black knight or Sonic Unleashed?

Sonic and the black knight that game is so much cooler than Sonic Unleashed. I mean is Knuckles in Sonic Unleashed? No. Is Shadow in Sonic Unleashed?No. Plus there playable too on Sonic and the black knight.And is Sonic Unleashed multiplayer?.N-O. But Sonic and the black Knight.

What game other than Sonic unleashed has Sonic the werehog?


Is Sonic faster than super Sonic?

No, super Sonic is faster.

Is sonic faster then a car?

sonic is faster than a car

Is Sonic faster than Yoshi?

sonic is WAY faster than Yoshi is.

How does Sonic Unleashed have more incommon with the Sonic Adventure titles than Sonic 06 and what replay value does it have?

sonic unleashed has a couple things in common with sa1 but not really sa2 not much if you get it for the wii but a bit for 360/ps3 I suppose that Sonic Unleashed does have a sort of related storyline towards Sonic Adventure 1. Sonic Adventure 2 does have a way different storyline.

Is sonic faster than silver?

yes sonic is faster than silver in sonic 2006 sonic is way faster than silver giving sonic an advantage

Is Sonic unleashed better than Sonic the Hedgehog 4?

Well Sonic Unleashed had a better storyline and more fun gameplay. You collect chaos emeralds and get to beat the snot out of robots and Dark Gaia's friends. Sonic 4 is completely different and is sort of a cliffhanger story. Even though the cliffhanger will be gone when Episode II comes out, I would recommend Sonic Unleashed more than Sonic the Hedgehog 4.

Is sonic faster than Amy?

Yes indeed Sonic is faster than Amy because SONIC IS THE FASTEST THING "ALIVE" !

Who is faster sonic or tails?

sonic is faster than tails by a long shot