You should replace Medicham because of it's mediocre base stats, use a Hitmonchan instead.
You should also teach Luxray Crunch and Ice Fang to have a better type coverage.
== == Now for the real can trash the e4. Aaron can go down to any selection of fire or rock type moves, which you appear to have in abundance. Bertha will fall easily to a combo of torterra and empoleon. Flint can be Surfed away be empoleon. Vespiquen is super effective against Lucian but it may be a bit slow, so u should teach shadow ball to alakazam or something. For Bronzong, just use Infernape. Cynthia's spiritomb will collapse if u use roar of time. For Garchomp if ur empoleon is good enough it should be able to pull of ice beam before getting trashed by Earthquake. Barring that, use Empoleon to vs. Spiritomb and face Dialga against garchomp. Roar of time will settle the battle. Roserade and Gastrodon are pushover - use Infernape and Torterra. Lucario use infernape's close combat. Milotic just do wahtever u want and kill it. == ==
Torterra- Leaf Storm or Solarbeam,Earthquake,Rock Slide,Crunch Abomasnow- Ice Punch,Earthquake, Wood Hammer or Solarbeam,Brick Break Honchkrow- Dark Pulse or Steel Wing, Aerial Ace,Night Slash,Hyper Beam Floatzel- Aqua Jet, Water Pulse, Ice Fang,Giga Impact Gengar- Hypnosis,Nightmare,Dream Eater, Shadow Ball Dialga- Flash Cannon,Aura Sphere,Dragon Pulse,Roar of Time
HERE ARE THE BEST POKEMON FOR EACH TYPE. Normal: Arceus(STRONGEST POKEMON EVER, and because of its multitipe ability, it can change into any other type, and be the best Pokemon of each type). Grass: Torterra or any of the grass starter Pokemon that have fully evolved Fighting: Infernape Flying: honchkrow, ho-oh,gia Rock: Rhyperior, tyranitar Dark: darkrai Fire: Entei, Infernape, Typhlosion or any fire starter that has fully evolved Electric: Rikou. Poison: Drapion Psychic: Deoxys Ghost: Giratina Steel: Dialga Water: Kyogre, Empoleon or any water starter that has fully evolved Ice: Glalie, frosflass, abomasnow Ground: Groudon Bug: Yanmega Dragon: Dialga/Palkia/Giratina/Rayquaza(dialga is the best for me) ?:MASTEROFALL, unknown Pokemon of all time,
free dialga free dialga free dialga ????????????????????????????what do you mean free dialga???????????????????????
No, Dialga is not evil; Dialga is more of a hero. I'm sure Dialga are nice. Palkia is, however, sort of evil, and Giratina is evil, but Dialga is more of a protagonist.
Infernnape, Garchomp, Medicham, Abomasnow, Dialga, Staraptor. if you started with chimchar. Empoleon, Garchomp, Medicham, Abomasnow, Dialga, Staraptor. if you started with piplup. Torterra, Garchomp, Medicham, Abomasnow, Dilga, staraptor. if you started with Turtwig
It's impossible to rate a team if you don't write down what moves each pokémon knows.
well empoleon is really useful to kick ass garchomp and infernape is great to use against lucario and luxray is useful against togekiss, dialga is great against milotic infernape is great against roserade giratina is good against spritomb. that's all.
depends what level they are empoleon is a strong water type dialga and palkia are the games main legends and tyranitar and arcanine are good Pokemon
that is not even a question. This one is a spammer. i have got a lv. 100 empoleon a lv. 100 infernape a lv. 100 torterra a lv. 100 tyranitar a lv. 100 honchkrow and a lv. 100 giratina!!!
giratina, palkia, dialga, gyrados, tyrantar, dragonite or use action replay, that always works
either Dialga and Zekrom, Reshiram and Palkia or Giratina and Kyurem.
Empoleon Nidoking Skarmory Pikachu Palkia Starmie Roserade Metagross Garchomp Lucario these are my personal favorites. They are very strong too...
Ok my old enemy the elite four here's what you do. Pearl=get palkia luxray staraptor darkrai empoleon roserade. Diamond=get dialga luxray staraptor darkrai empoleon and roserade. Ruby=get groudon swampert aggron sableye taillow (or swellow) and zigzagoon (or linoone). Sapphire= same but kyogre instead of groudon. Emerald=wow ok I had kyogre traded over to my emerald and it took me straight through but metagross is good also on emerald get torchic. platiname=start with tirtwig or piplup to get garitina and get the team from pearl and diamond just replace dialga or palkia with garitina. For fire red and leaf green do not ask me. But the best starter on fire red is bulbasaur. Hope this helps wich it probably won't.
a good place is to go to stark mountain (not in the cave where the glass is) n keep battling. this is for if u hav Pokemon diamond or pearl hope u get them to lv. 60 or higher
Yes because they really strong