fly, bite,and ice beam
Rayquaza is a dragon type Pokemon and like dragon Pokemon they are weak to ice moves like e.g ice beam, blizzard and so on...
You can find wild Boldore in Chargestone Cave. They are easy to catch because they have the ability Sturdy, which leaves them with 1 HP.
why the shinx? My goal was not to get a lot of Pokemon, just to lvl up at least 1 Pokemon as close as i can to lvl. 100 and defeat the elite 4. I only cought about ten Pokemon and used pretty much only the Empolean. Now that i migrated though, i have 8 LVL. 100 Rayquazas, 1 Groudon LVL. 70, 1 Kyogre LVL. 70, 1 Heatran LVL. 70, 1 Cresselia LVL. 40, 1 Mesprit LVL. 40, and 1 Giratina LVL.70. I have 6 LVL. 100 Rayquazas in my party. I cloned them. Tell me if you want to know how to clone.
The ability 'Vital Spirit' is an ability that prevents the pokemon with that ability to fall asleep. It is similiar to the ability 'Insomnia'.
Ice+dragon moves
fly, bite,and ice beam
Magneton has three abilities which are Magnet Pull, Sturdy and Analytic. Both Magnet Pull and Sturdy are normal abilities for it whereas Analytic is its hidden ability. Magnet Pull is an ability that prevents Steel-type Pokémon from escaping. Study is an ability that prevents a Magneton that has the Sturdy ability from being knocked out in one hit while it has full HP. Analytic will increase Magneton's offensive power provided it is the last one to attack during a turn.
Rest,Outrage,Fly and Extremespeed
A "sturdy body" typically refers to a physical attribute of being strong, robust, and durable. It suggests the ability to withstand physical challenges and strains effectively.
Rayquaza is a dragon type Pokemon and like dragon Pokemon they are weak to ice moves like e.g ice beam, blizzard and so on...
u hav to get all tha bounuses on rayquazas balloon panic
Rayquaza's best move is Outrage when you see lots of fire balls comeout
If you encounter Carbink in a horde encounter, there is a chance that one will have a hidden ability; of which Sturdy is to Carbink. Therefore, the best way of doing so is to go to Reflection Cave, use Sweet Scent to force a horde encounter, and catch Carbink in the horde until you find one with Sturdy.
Sturdy is not a verb but an adjective and therefore has no past tense, unless you mean "this was sturdy" etc.
You can find wild Boldore in Chargestone Cave. They are easy to catch because they have the ability Sturdy, which leaves them with 1 HP.
more sturdy