Rayquaza is a dragon type Pokemon and like dragon Pokemon they are weak to ice moves like e.g ice beam, blizzard and so on...
fly, bite,and ice beam
grass is his only weakness
Ground is electrics only weakness.
there weakness is Grass,water and rock
Dark Pokemon are Psychic Pokemon's weakness.
Ice+dragon moves
fly, bite,and ice beam
Rest,Outrage,Fly and Extremespeed
u hav to get all tha bounuses on rayquazas balloon panic
Rayquaza's best move is Outrage when you see lots of fire balls comeout
you just train and get a really strong team then go at it i had a team of 2 rayquazas level 70 and 74(both legit I traded them from my sapphire)2 sceptile level 50 and 56 a groudon level 47 and a kyogre level 53 but any team works all you need is for them to be strong and cover eadh others weakness
First u get a rayquazza then beat the elite four then go to battle frontier and go into the PC and do the clone glitch
Get to the top of Spear Pillar and there will be a level 70 rayquaza ready to be caught and get a master ball and then use it on him and you will catch it like in my game, I cloned 6 rayquazas'.
if u mean his friend area it is stratos lookout or his floor to find him on it is sky tower summot floor 9 [i got him first try]
She had a weakness for chocolate.We shall use our enemy's weakness against them.He felt a weakness in the knees.The interviewer asked me what my biggest weakness was.
There is no password. In order to get Deoxys, you must pass all bonuses with all playable Pokemon in Rayquazas Balloon Panic.
His weakness was his hair.