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Yes. Quincy Jones is alive.

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Q: Is Quincy Jones still alive
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Is Quincy Jones alive?

Yes. Quincy Jones is alive.

When was Quincy Jones born?

1. no he is still alive at 74 2. I know this because I'm his cousin ;p 3. lori [his niece is my aunt

Is Quincy Jones still living?


What has the author A Quincy Jones written?

A. Quincy Jones has written: 'A. Quincy Jones'

Is Quincy Jones still making songs?

i guess so

When was A. Quincy Jones born?

A. Quincy Jones was born in 1913.

Did Quincy Jones 8 brothers and sisters die?

At least one of Quincy Jones' siblings is alive. His name is Richard, and he is a federal district court judge in Seattle. His other siblings seem to be priate figures.

What is the birth name of Quincy Jones III?

Quincy Jones III's birth name is Jones III, Quincy Delight.

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What actors and actresses appeared in Quincy Jones on Jazz - 1994?

The cast of Quincy Jones on Jazz - 1994 includes: Quincy Jones as himself

When did Sean Jones Die?

Sean Jones, the trumpeter, is still alive.

Is uryu the only Quincy?

No, his father is still alive and has quinchy powers, although he doesn't consider his father to be a Quincy due to the fact that he has renounced being a Quincy