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Nope. But he is really cool. Every ten levels he learns sketch which then can be used to teach him literally any move.

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βˆ™ 9y ago
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βˆ™ 9y ago

No, Smeargle is not a legendary Pokemon.

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Q: Is Pokemon Smeargle a legendary Pokemon?
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Is smeargle a legendary in Pokemon?

No, Smeargle is not a Legendary Pokémon.

Were is the legendarie Pokemon insmergle cave not smergle?

There is no legendary, smeargle is super rare though!!

What type of Pokemon is Smeargle?

Smeargle is a Normal type pokemon.

Where are the rare Pokemon in emerald?

RayquazaRare or Legendary? Legendary, the same in Ruby and Sapphire. Groudon, Kyogre, Rayquaza, Latios/Latias, the Regis. Not very many, rare pokemon,besides what you can get after the national dex, like sudowoodo, or smeargle.

How do you get smeargle to learn spore?

Enter a double-battle with smeargle and a Pokemon with spore. Have that Pokemon use spore and have smeargle use sketch on him/her.

Where do you get Smeargle in Pokemon Pearl?

Smeargle, the artist Pokemon, can be caught in Pokemon Pearl by using the Poke Radar on Route 212 (closer to Hearthome City side). The same area for catching Smeargle applies to Pokemon Diamond.

Which Pokemon can you get using the PokeRadar in Pokemon Diamond?


Is smeargle in the Pokemon mansion in Pokemon Pearl?

No but rotom is

What Pokemon are in battle frontier?

sowdowoodo and smeargle

How do you get sketch in Pokemon emerald?

You catch Smeargle ;)

Will smeargle evolve?

No, Smeargle does not have an evolution. It's a one-stage Pokemon, meaning it has no evolutions or pre-evolutions.

How do you catch Smeargle in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl?

You can find Smeargle in route 212 using the Poke Radar.