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No, but it can be sometimes when you turn around and you come face to face with a creeper. Overall, it's not scary though.

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Q: Is Minecraft scary
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It means there is a cave nearby or a open terrain...

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The current estimate is for the 'Pretty Scary Update' to 1.4, around Halloween.

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As of the current date of this answer, the next version is Minecraft 1,4, the Pretty Scary Update, which will be released on or around October 31st, which is Halloween.

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It depends on what mod you are using, it could use 'scary' noises. Normally the sounds play when you are near large underground caves.

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PewDiePie does play Minecraft, however it is an extremely rare occurrence. His latest Minecraft video, as of the date when this question was answered, is a video called "MINECRAFT IS SCARY?" uploaded on June 18th 2015. However, don't get used to seeing him play this game as his second most recent Minecraft from what I could find is called, "Minecraft Multiplayer Fun", uploaded on October 2nd 2010.

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The purpose of it is exploring, building crafting. Another on is defeating the ender dragon, the wither and other scary monsters.

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Set the difficulty to peaceful so you don't see anything scary. in the game, Press escape, click options then change difficulty to peaceful.

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What does the scary music in minecraft mean?

The scary noises in Minecraft are ambient noises that are sometimes triggered by being near spaces that are dark enough for mobs to spawn that are at least 3x3x3. It does not necessarily mean you are close to dungeons/mob spawners or ores. It is usually from a cave underground, but it is possible for your own structures to trigger that noise, if they are too dark.