Mewtwo is good at first and becomes evil from the influence of team rocket and is also confused because he can't find his place in the world.
mew is good Pokemon
No, Mew NEVER evolves into Mewtwo, Mewtwo is just a man made clone of Mew.
no it is not possible the only way to even get an egg from mewtwo is by using a cheat code and even then it will just be a mewtwo
This is an opinion question, so opinions will vary by person. I personally prefer Mega Mewtwo Y, but that's just my opinion.
Nope, I just tried it.
No, he is just misunderstood. Long story.
no, she was just confused. her whole life was the warrior code and her birth broke it.
mew is good Pokemon
pi is a number: a number cannot be good or evil.
Good and evil are often seen as two opposing forces that exist in balance. The presence of good can make us more aware of evil, just as the presence of evil can highlight the importance of good. The concept of good and evil is subjective and can vary depending on cultural and individual beliefs.
Evil and Good exist. Evil being wrong and Good being right is the point of view.
just return good who do good unto you and for the one who gives you evil things dont return it to them have a JUSTICE
No, Mew NEVER evolves into Mewtwo, Mewtwo is just a man made clone of Mew.
no it is not possible the only way to even get an egg from mewtwo is by using a cheat code and even then it will just be a mewtwo
Mew and Mewtwo cannot breed because they are both legendary. Mewtwo is just a failed clone of the original Mew.
In some ways Sophie is good. Her heart is purely evil though. She was put into the School for Evil because that's what her soul is. She claims that Agatha makes her soul good. Just because she is evil doesn't means that she can't do the right thing.
Good as in good guy or his character development or his move set. But if I have to guess....... good as in cool??