if you want my opinion, Gyardos is way better. It is a better battler than Milotic. However, Milotics usually have higher HP, but that kind of depends on the level you compare them at.
dragonite 'cause its way rarer.
well... gyrados is best of course.
The red Gyarados is simply a shiny Gyarados. This means the red Gyarados is not any stronger or weaker than other Gyarados. Gyarados in general is considered to be a very powerful Pokemon for how easy it is to get.
milotic of course
Milotic is because it learns powerfull moves than gyarados
choices: all if you train them hard enough * milotic * gyarados * lumineon * whishcash * empoleon * ...
tentacruel lv55 wailord lv57 gyarados lv56 whiscash lv56 ludicolo lv56 milotic lv58
truly they are all very good Pokemon but milotic and feralagator are the best
dragonite 'cause its way rarer.
Any type of water Pokemon can surf. A few examples are Wailord , Empoleon and Relicanth
well... gyrados is best of course.
No, earthquake is not very effective against Gyarados because Gyarados is a Flying and Water-type Pokémon, and Flying-types are immune to Ground-type moves like earthquake. It's better to use Electric-type moves against Gyarados.
NO WAY. Some Pokemon are huge, like milotic, gyarados, rayquaza, dialga, palkia, giratina, torterra, ... you get the idea. So no, they are not all small. Unless 47 feet counts as small.
lucario roserade spiritomb gyarados garchomp milotic (she sends out spiritomb first)Well when I played the game on my ds she had these pokemon:Spiritomb level 61Garchomp level 62Milotic level 58Lucario level 60Togekiss level 60Roserade level 58And that`s the order I go them in too
Evolve the Staryu into Starmie and that Pokemon would be better. If you just want a Pokemon to use for surfing then either will work, but both Starmie and Gyarados work well in a team as well.