one time in a episode of pokemon Brock said that Dawn's Ambipom was a girl.
it leave her to get goo d at ping pong
Not confirmed.
there is a cool girl trainer in victory road who has one
Ambipom doesn't learn fake out. Fake out is an "egg move" that Aipom learns by breeding a Male Pokemon that knows Fake Out with a female Aipom/Ambipom.
in dawns house
it leave her to get goo d at ping pong
staraptor gliscar grotle buizle pikachu chimchar and he used to have an ambipom but he traded it for dawns buizle
Not confirmed.
Ash's Aipom is with Dawn because everybody knows that ash and dawn traded aipom and buizel. Dawns Aipom evolved into Ambipom not long after the trade and she left Ambipom in training in glactic battles and later on dawn then catches a swinub.
in dawns house a girl will tell you .
aipom evolves into ambipom but ambipom doesn't evolve.
there is a cool girl trainer in victory road who has one
aipom evolves into ambipom at lv33 but ambipom doesnt evolve
they evolve into ambipom
You Can't See Ambipom,If You Want To See A Ambipom,Just Evolve Aipom.
Hello Dawns,
when you obtain the national dex