even though torchic looks like a bird pokemon (flying type) it isnt .Its a pure fire type until it evolves at level 16 into a combusken and turns into fighting and fire then combusken evolves into blaziken at level 36(the last evolution) which stays a fire and fighting. So no its not a bird pokemon it just looks like one
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torchic can only fly when torchic evolves to blaziken and if you use brave bird,it is a flying&fire attack.its the most powerful attack of blaziken
Think about the pokemon's type and appearance, that helps me decide a nickname for my pokemon. Blaziken is a bird so maybe something bird related with its type like Flamebird or Blazebird.
Murkrow, Honchkrow Torchic, Combuskin, Blaziken Pidgy, Pidgeotto, Pidgeott Sparrow, Fearow Articuno Zapdos Moltres Doduo, Dodrio Wingull, Pelliper Piplup, Prinplup, Empoleon Taillow, Swellow Starly, Staravia, Staraptor Skarmory Lugia Ho-Oh Delibird You'll have to use Serebii.net or Google images for the pictures, but these are the names of all the bird Pokemon up to and including fourth gen.
like a square bird
Because penguin is the name of a bird
torchic can only fly when torchic evolves to blaziken and if you use brave bird,it is a flying&fire attack.its the most powerful attack of blaziken
Torchics's last evolution is blaziken, blaziken is a super strong fire type and is like a bird with no wings.
Blaziken learns Brave Bird at level 49 and Flare Blitz at level 66.
Think about the pokemon's type and appearance, that helps me decide a nickname for my pokemon. Blaziken is a bird so maybe something bird related with its type like Flamebird or Blazebird.
It cannot learn Brave Bird in Pokemon Ruby, Sapphire, or Emerald.
I have a newsflash for you... A chicken is a bird.
The state of Delaware has the Blue Hen Chicken as their official state bird.The state of Rhode island has the Rhode Island Red Chicken as its state bird.
the same ones in Hoen but it can learn brave bird and skyattack
The Delaware state bird is the Blue Hen Chicken.
The state of Delaware has the Blue Hen Chicken as its state bird.
No, a chicken is a bird.
No a chicken is a bird