no, it is not, it is a very fun game, and nothing will happen to your computer when you play it.
There are virtually no places you can get Bella Sara cards for free, but Young Rider Magazine should have them, and is recommended.
what is Bella sara why are you people obsessed with ive gotten 15 questions about it and i have no idea what it is!
goto youtube and type in the box emmzi7 and clickthe one with a Bella sara horse on it should then give you a website to accsess many horses and i will be adding more horses.just to warn you Bella dosent work! sorry for any inconviniance! emmzi7
your Bella sara horse does not grow up, get sick, die, expire, or do anything else like that on the website. however, i think it's different on the Bella sara DS. that does make me sad
There are virtually no places you can get Bella Sara cards for free, but Young Rider Magazine should have them, and is recommended.
i want answer dumby
Go to Bella Sara then go to cheats hope this helps
In selected Bella Sara products, you can unlock Premium Adventures, allowing you to expand your play in the North of North.
When the Bella Sara home page opens, there should be an advertisement for Ronnie. Click on it, and he will appear in Canter Farms- he gives you like 6 free adventures!
yes Bella sara is real
The website for Bella Sara is
Bella sara is where you take care virtual horses.....
860jylhk607. nobody used it. hehe has codes