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Q: Is Amy playable in Sonic Unleashed at day and night?
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Is Amy playable in Sonic Unleashed?

no,i don't know why but no soniexpert

Is Amy in sonic unleashed?

Yes she is

Where is knuckles in sonic unleashed?

Knuckles isn't in Sonic Unleashed only Tails and Amy and the new characters

Is Amy in Sonic colors?

Amy appears in Sonic Colors, but only in the DS version, and she isn't playable.

Do You Unlock Amy In Sonic Rush?

No. Sonic Rush is only playable with Sonic and Blaze.

How do you unlock Amy from super sonic smash bros?

Amy is not playable in any Smash Bros. game.

What are all the playable characters in sonic next gen?

The playable characters in Sonic Next Gen are Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Shadow, Silver, Blaze, Omega, and Rouge. I think that you can also play as Amy too.

How many playable are there on sonic and the secret rings?

As in characters? There are 8 players to choose from, Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Shadow, Cream, Silver and Blaze, in the multiplayer section, but only Sonic is playable in the main storyline.

Is Silver in Sonic Free Riders?

As Silver was playable in the previous Sonic Riders game, he may be a playable character in Sonic Free Riders. Nope he is not in this game. There is only sonic, tails, knuckles, Amy, shadow, rouge, cream, Vector, a robot, wave, storm and the green hawk guy.

How do you unlock silver on sonic heroes?

Silver isn't playable in Sonic Heroes nor is he in the game at all. The playable characters are: Team Sonic: -Sonic -Tails -Knuckles Team Dark: -Shadow -Rouge -E-123 Omega Team Chaotix: -Vector -Charmy -Espio Team Rose: -Amy -Cream -Big

What sonic games is Amy rose playable?

In Sonic Adventure 2 Battle(she is very hard 2 unlock get all rank A's with sonic!)Sonic Adventure DX,Sonic Advance 1 2 and 3(in 1 of them you have 2 unlock her).Sonic Riders.

When did Amy meet werehog sonic?

Actually, they said that from the start that Amy started having a crush on Sonic when he saved her from Robotnik and Metal Sonic in Sonic CD.