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#72 is Misdreavus in the Sinnoh Pokedex.

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Q: In your sinoh pokedex what Pokemon is number 72?
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Tentacool is #72 in the national pokedex, and it is a Water-Poison type Pokemon.

What is the no 72 Pokemon in the poke dex?

The 72nd Pokemon in the Pokedex is Tentacool

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In the national pokedex it's tentacool, and in the pearl pokedex it's misdreavus.

Who is 72 in the Sinnoh pokedex?

Number.72 is misdreavus it evolves into mismagious

What Pokémon is 72 in platinum Pokémon pokedex?

Number 72 is Tentacool

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You must have captured at least 60 Pokemon in the Kanto dex But I have 72 in the kanto dex

Where is number for Sinnoh pokedex 74 and 72 in Pokemon Platinum?

Murkrow is #47 in the Sinnoh Dex and is found with not only Cyrus of Team Galactic but a lot of his members have it as well and Misdreavus is #72 in the Sinnoh Dex and it can be found by trainers in the Lost Tower as well as in the Hearthome Gym.

What is no 72 in the Sinnoh pokedex?


Who is 72 in the platinum pokedex?

In the National Pokedex, it is Tentacool. Should be the same for Platinum.

Pokemon platinum where is Pokemon number 72?

lots of tenticool are in canalave city

What is the Pokemon in 72?

Pokemon 72 is Tentacool.

Where do you find a trainer with pokedex number 72 on platinum?

Either in the lost tower 4F, or in the Hearthome gym several people have MISDREAVUS(#72) *In the lost tower it's a couple with the misdreavus. good luck.