well actually he never leaves if you saw the episode ash meets brock he says he needs someone to go with and ash volunteers so he stays with him forever
Ash meets Brock in episode 5 of season 1, Showdown in Pewter City.
there no Pokemon episode when misty meet dawn
the second episode.
She returned in a few episode to meet up with Ash Brock May and Max. Season: 7 Episode: 3: The Princess and the Togepi Season: 7 Episode: 4 A Togepi Mirage Season: 7 Episode: 5 Candid Camerupt "If you ever have any questions about Pokemon you just let me know!"
Episode 1 of Season 10 OR if your counting all of the episodes of Pokemon Episode 467
Ash meets Brock in episode 5 of season 1, Showdown in Pewter City.
Tpye Pokemon epsiope into Google and find out.
meet him and beat him
I think you ment Brock, that was the episode when they meet Bill and they go in the lighthouse and meet a strange pokemon It's called 'Mystery in the Lighthouse'. Not that I love BrockXMisty, but they did dance, and Misty and Ash never did.
there no Pokemon episode when misty meet dawn
it was episode 31: Dig Those Diglett!
the second episode.
they meet again in season 2 episode 10 - rendezvous :d
She returned in a few episode to meet up with Ash Brock May and Max. Season: 7 Episode: 3: The Princess and the Togepi Season: 7 Episode: 4 A Togepi Mirage Season: 7 Episode: 5 Candid Camerupt "If you ever have any questions about Pokemon you just let me know!"
Episode 1 of Season 10 OR if your counting all of the episodes of Pokemon Episode 467
Probably, when ash leaves primape in the episode "The Punchy Pokemon" The narrator says maybe they'll meet up again someday.