Well, episodes are usually numered from 1. Watch in that order, 1 then 2 then 3. Search for "season 1" then "season 2" then "season 3" and so on.
Same for the movies.
You can watch Pokemon videos (episodes) on pokemon.com. It is the official Pokemon website. You can watch FREE Pokemon episodes and do all sorts of Pokemon related activities.
A great website for watching Pokemon episodes online is www.pokemonepisode.orgIt has every episode from Season 1, and even all the movies! You can try animefreak.tv too, it has all anime that i know of
You can watch new Pokemon episodes on Cartoon Network every Saturday and Sunday in the mornings.
I have watched some pokemon episodes and movies on livevideo.com and it seems safe. I haven't had any viruses or any other problems on my computer since watching the pokemon episodes and movies so I think it is safe to use. Don't go on it if you still have doubts, but it seems safe to me. Hope this helped.
www.pisoga.com had all sorts of anime which has all of the first 519 Pokemon episodes and all 10 movies, but they are in megavideo =\. they have a great list of anime from A - Z
You can watch Pokemon episodes (and movies too!) on the website in the related links.
TV or the computer or if you by some movies from the store
Yea on youtube
from begining to end how else.
No, in the Pokémon animé, you do not have to watch most of the movies in order to understand anything that goes on during the episodes. You will see Mewtwo breaking out of Giovanni's Headquarters in an episode which is part of the "Mewtwo Strikes Back" movie but otherwise no movie has anything to do with any of the episodes.
You can watch Pokemon episodes on the IPod Touch on Youtube.
You can watch the movies whenever you want, but you need to know the characters well. They do not have a specific order in when to watch them.
You can watch the Pokemon episodes on Cartoon Network, which updates the Pokemon episodes mostly on the weekends.
You can watch Pokemon videos (episodes) on pokemon.com. It is the official Pokemon website. You can watch FREE Pokemon episodes and do all sorts of Pokemon related activities.
Visit narutoget.com to watch naruto movies and episodes.
A great website for watching Pokemon episodes online is www.pokemonepisode.orgIt has every episode from Season 1, and even all the movies! You can try animefreak.tv too, it has all anime that i know of
watch your favourite Pokemon episodes on pokemonworld.com