

Best Answer

gale island u need iron boots and skull hammer

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Q: In the legend of Zelda where is the Wind Temple?
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What games are in The Legend of Zelda Collectors Edition?

Legend of Zelda Collectors Edition:The Legend of ZeldaZelda 2 The Adventure of LinkThe Legend of Zelda Ocarina of TimeLegend of Zelda Majora's MaskLegend of Zelda Wind Waker 20 min Demo.

What are the names of all the Zelda games?

Okay. Here it goes (and im pretty sure they're in order by date of release): The Legend of Zelda The Legend of Zelda: Adventure of Link The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening/DX The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Master Quest The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past/Four Swords The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword Yup. im kind of a zelda fan =3

How many Legend of Zelda games are there?

The Legend of Zelda: List of GamesThe legend of zelda (1986) The legend of zelda : 2 The adventure of link (1987)The legend of zelda : A link to the past (1982)The legend of zelda : Links awakening (1993)The legend of zelda : Ocarina of time (1998)The legend of zelda : Links awakening DX (director's cut) (1998)The legend of zelda : Ocarina of time collectors addition (1998)The legend of zelda : Majoras mask (2000)The legend of zelda : Oracle of Seasons (2001)The legend of zelda : Oracle of Ages (2001)The legend of zelda : A link to the past four swords (2002)The legend of zelda : Collectors eddition (2003)The legend of zelda : The Wind Waker (2003)The legend of zelda : Ocarina of time master quest (2003)The legend of zelda : Four swords adventures (2004)The legend of zelda classic for GBA (2004)The legend of zelda 2 The adventure of link for GBA (2004)The legend of zelda : The Minish cap (2005)The legend of zelda : Twilight princess (2006)The legend of zelda : Phantom hourglass (2007)The legend of zelda : Spirit tracks (2009)The legend of zelda : Ocarina of time 3D (2011)The legend of zelda : Skyward sword (2011)The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD (2013)The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds (2013)There are 25 games; not including remakes there are 17.

How do you get the hook shot in Zelda the wind waker?

you get it by one of the temples the wind temple

What are all the Legend of Zelda games in order?

The legend of zelda (1986) The legend of zelda : 2 The adventure of link (1987) The legend of zelda : A link to the past (1982) The legend of zelda : Links awakening (1993) The legend of zelda : Ocarina of time (1998) The legend of zelda : Links awakening DX (director's cut) (1998) The legend of zelda : Ocarina of time collectors addition (1998) The legend of zelda : Magoras mask (2000) The legend of zelda : Oricle of seasons (2001) The legend of zelda : Oricle of ages (2001) The legend of zelda : A link to the past four swords (2002) The legend of zelda : Collectors addition (2003) The legend of zelda : The wind waker (2003) The legend of zelda : Ocarina of time master quest (2003) The legend of zelda : Four swords adventures (2004) The legend of zelda classic four GBA (2004) The legend of zelda 2 The adventure of link four GBA (2004) The legend of zelda : The mish cap (2005) The legend of zelda : Twilight princess (2006) The legend of zelda : Phantom hourglass (2007) The legend of zelda : Spirit tracks (2009) The legend of zelda : Ocarina of time 3D (2011) The legend of zelda : Skyward sword (2011)

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Where do you get the Bomb bags in Legend of Zelda Phantom Hourglass?

wind temple

How do you beat the wind temple in legend of Zelda twilight princess?

you have to get the double clawshot from the miniboss.

Where is the wind temple in Legend of Zelda Phantom Hourglass?

on the island of gust in the northwestern see.

Is the wind temple on the island of gust on legend of Zelda phantom hourglass?

Yes, yes it is

Legend of Zelda wind waker how do you get medli to agree to join you?

Play the song you learned at the Earth temple to her

How do you get past the Earth temple in Legend of Zelda Wind Waker?

well...type wind waker walkthrough on your computer and click something and look at the walkthrough.

Legend of Zelda twilite princess after wind temple Where is eponia?

u find her after you fill up the second vassel of light

Where is gleeok in Legend of Zelda?

Legend of Zelda 1-First Temple Phantom Hourglass- Temple of ICE Oracle of Seasons-Explorer's Crypt.

Where is the temple of ice in legend of Zelda?

The Temple of Ice in The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass is located on the Isle of Frost. The Isle of Frost is in the southeastern quadrant of the map.

Where is gleeok on Legend of Zelda?

In Legend of Zelda NES-At the end of the first temple. In Phantom Hourglass DS- Temple of the Ice. In Oracle of Seasons-In explorer's Crypt

Are they ever going to make a remake of the legend of Zelda the wind waker?

They have remade the Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker for the Wii U in HD graphics.

Where the wind temple on Zelda the wind waker?

The Wind Temple is on Gale Isle, the island directly north of Windfall.