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17 years old, if I have counted properly.

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Q: In the Pokemon serries How old is Ash Kechum now?
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Who is older ash or dawn?

when Pokemon first started, ash was 10. as of now, dawn is a 10 year old. technically, ash is older.

Did ash catch Mewtwo in Pokemon?

As of the current data for Ash catching Mewtwo the answer is no. Right now nobody has captured Mewtwo due to the fact that he is such a strong pokemon.

Who is the main character in Pokemon?

Right now its Ash,Pikachu,Dawn and Brock

Is there a 5th Warrior serries by Erin Hunter?

Yes it is being made now.

Who is Ash's fastest Pokemon?

I think it's Treeko if he still has it Now it's Sceptile.

How old is ash on Pokemon?

14 right now, almost 15. Hope I helped!

Does ash beat trip in Pokemon Black and White?

For now, he didnt, but he will at the Unova League!

Did pikachu like a Pokemon through out the seasons?

no in each season he likes ash not a Pokemon but now he likes Dawns Bunery

Will latias from Pokemon hero ever be ash's new Pokemon?

It's very unlikely. Latias is legendary, and if they were going to let Ash use, legendary Pokémon, they would have done so by now.

How many pokemon does ash have in all?

Ash right now has 21 Pokemons. Ash put 3 in special training. And Ash released/traded 9 Pokemons. So totally, he caught 33 Pokemons.

Where is ash's gible now?

In the japenese Pokemon series, it is in his party. But in the English episodes, since ash never caught it yet, it's still in the wild

What are Ash's Pokemon in the Galactic Battle series?

Pikachu, Gliscor, Monferno, Grotle, Starapter, and Buizel. Gliscor is gone now and Ash got a Gible.