You earn the following: Expert mode, Tanks in versus mode, and Graphic Equalizer.
And of you mean expert mode badges you get: New tittle screen, and if you get badge for Venom in expert, you get on foot versus.
You go to Victory Road
You can get Rock Climb by first getting all 16 badges. Rock climb cannot be found as an HM in the ground somewhere, but from a person. Professor Oak will give you it as a prize for getting all 16 badges.
By symbols I guess you mean "Gym badges" you get them by defeating each GYM owner in the various
It depends in which Pokemon game, but in the newest games (Diamond/Pearl) You will need to earn badges to get a higher level for them to obey. if you have all 8, all Pokemon will obey you.
you get all 8 gym badges
Earn badges by accomplising tasks.
There aren't, you have to earn the badges through gym battles
No,all badges are requirments in all versions of Pokemon before battling the elite four..
You have to first earn all the gym badges, and then you have to enter the elite 4
You have to earn all 16 Badges and see Professor Oak in Pallet Town.
Yes, it will obey once you get more badges. After getting all 8 badges, all Pokemon will obey regardless of level. Do note, though, that getting certain Pokemon such as Deoxys by the use of a cheating device can cause them to disobey you even if you have all 8 badges.
You go to Victory Road
You can get Rock Climb by first getting all 16 badges. Rock climb cannot be found as an HM in the ground somewhere, but from a person. Professor Oak will give you it as a prize for getting all 16 badges.
You can earn lots. Try buying and registering new pets, playing all different sorts of categories in Quizzy's, ... that's just a few to get you started!
It's MT. Silver, and you can get there by getting all sixteen badges, then talk to the professor.
After we earn all the 8 badges from Jhoto and 8 badges from kanto we need to defeat Red (you can find him in mt.silver) and go to professor Oak he will give you a Pokemon as a gift (bulbasaur,charmander and squirtle).
telsa= be proficient in 150 exercises atlas= earn 10,000,000 energy points