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In Taka Pass. If you know where the moles are, you can head to them, and you will see a house with this scythe-like thing on it. That's the cutter's home. Also, you can follow the path until you see this one dog, there will be a gateway, and there's the cutter's home too. Also, I believe it's on your map, and you can wander around until the scene and music changes (sky becomes red, different music plays)

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Q: In okami where is Mr Cutter?
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How do you find the sasa sanctuary's daughter in okami?

She's in the cutter's house at night you have to drag Mrs.Cutter into the hole you make at the top of the house then you have to fight both mr. and Mrs. Cutter and once defeated, she should appear.

What did Mr Cutter plan to do to Ántonia?

Rape her.

Why did Antonia stop working for mr Cutter?

Mr.Cutter tried to rape her

Where are the rest of the trees in okami for wii?

the cherry blossoms are around sei an city, but the more hidden ones: -on mr. flower's head -behind mr. flower's house -inside mr. flower's house

Where is okami avlable?

okami is avliable online

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How tall is Okami?

Yushin Okami is 6' 2".

When will okami come out?

Okami 2 will come out in 2010 in Japan. Okami 2 will be coming out, around 2011 in Kansas and all that.

What actors and actresses appeared in It Almost Happened - 1915?

The cast of It Almost Happened - 1915 includes: Sylvia Ashton as Mrs. Cutter Neal Burns as Mr. Cutter Lee Moran as Mr. Gordon Billie Rhodes as Mrs. Gordon

How tall is Yushin Okami?

Yushin Okami is 6' 2".

Who is the main character in Okami?

Okami Amaterasu A.K.A. "Ammy"

What is Okami's birthday?

Yushin Okami was born on July 21, 1981.