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In Okami there is a day every Hundred years called the day of Darkness when the moon completely covers the sun an at that day in the game you will face the evil Lord Yami.

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Q: When does day turn into night in okami?
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When does day turn to night and night turn to day?

Day turns to night at sunset, when the sun goes below the horizon, and night turns to day at sunrise, when the sun rises above the horizon.

Where does day turn into night?

When viewed from space, the line separating day from night is called the "terminator".

How do you turn night to day in Minecraft?

/time set day

On okami where are the mischief monsters you are supposed to get?

You find them at night in any scroll but only certain scrolls.

Where is okami avlable?

okami is avliable online

When does night turn to day on Minecraft?

Day and night both last 7 minutes, and dusk and dawn both last 1.5 minutes.

Can it turn night in thrillville off the rails the game?

No its all in the day

What time does day turn to night in Pokemon pearl?


Why does your 2 gerbils seem to sleep all day and night even when you turn the light on during the day?

Gerbils have short periods of activity throughout day and night.

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How tall is Okami?

Yushin Okami is 6' 2".