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when at the HQ next to g there is a box and the solar pannel is there is the blue broken thingy

then go 2 gift shop and give it 2 rockie

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Q: In club penguin mission 10 where do you get the solar panel?
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Where do you get the solar panel for mission 10 on club penguin?

You get it in a box to the right of Gary.

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go on to club penguin cheats it will help u out

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drag the three cieling lights so they are pointing at the solar panel

Where is the solar panel for the magnet on clubpenguin?

The solar panel for the magnet is at the HQ. In a box. Keep asking club penguin questions!

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Yes there is a secret mission on Club Penguin.

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Either attach Jet-pack guys jet-pack to the cage or turn all the lights to the solar panel.

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I am sorry, there is no 107th mission on club penguin yet.

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To start a mission on club penguin you go to the P.S.A.

How do you finish mission five in Club Penguin?

To see how you can finish mission #5 in Club Penguin, see the related links. The related link below will show you how to finish every mission in Club Penguin. It is called "Mission Guides - Club Penguin Cheats.

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Is there going to be a eleventh mission on Club Penguin?

Yes, Club Penguin mentioned that there WAS going to be an eleventh mission.