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No, but you can hire a butler to bring you certain items. I believe he charges a small fee though.

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Q: In Runescape can you have a bank in your house?
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You can find Evil Dave's house in Edgeville, if you look at the house across from the bank.

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On way to Barbarian Village, just past the big bank when leaving varrock.

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no you can not sell your house on runescape.

Who is the estate agent on RuneScape?

The estate agent is the guy on Runescape that allows you to change the location of your house for a small fee.. I believe he is located barely North of the east bank in varrock.

How do you put a bank in your house in RuneScape?

You can not put banks in Player Owned Houses. You can how ever hire a butler, he will fetch certain items from the bank for a small fee.

How do you make a new house on runescape?

Go to one of the construcion guy's (1 is in falador near the bank) and ask them about houses

Can you sell your RuneScape house?

No, Your RuneScape House is based on your Construction Level.

RuneScape Were to find hell rats?

hell rats are found in evil dave's basement(the basement of a house just west of edgeville bank).

Where can you sell a baby gecko in Runescape?

Summoning based pet can't be sold anywhere on runescape, they are untradeable.Note: If you are worried that it i taking up bank space there is a player-owned-house option to build a menagerie, these are used for storing pets o that they don't clog up space in your bank.