Isn't the mystery gift for obtaining gifts... well if you click on it then if there is like a mystery event that day you actually get a mystery gift... i think
you cant because you have to get it at a store.
There is no mystery gift in sapphire, only on emerald. You can say mytery event is exciting to unlock the mystery event.
Once you earn 5 badges go to the Petulburg Pokemon center. there is a guy by the computer. He asks to create a new profile. click yes a nd type in: Mystery event is Exciting. You're now a mystery events member!
if you can't do your mystery event use this. Master Code: 40FACA3962059 MYSTERY EVENT: 48A7990226J59 5IE6028GK3968
Unlike the former Pokemon games Mystery Gift is used for NoA Events only. NoA Event = Nintendo of America Event This is currently the only known reason for Mystery Gift.
If you got the cheat in Pokemon sapphire you used mystery event if its working. here is your cheat code. mystery event: 2d556f1sf99 3862w257s 249da87099 129488t76
you cant because you have to get it at a store.
Go to any game store that's holding the mystery event.
Ask someone else not me!
There is no mystery gift in sapphire, only on emerald. You can say mytery event is exciting to unlock the mystery event.
In Pokemon Ruby,You get Groudon,Rayquaza,Regiice,Regirock,Registeel and Latios.In Pokemon Sapphire You get Kyogre,Rayquaza,Regirock,Regiice,Registeel and Latias.If you get the Mystery event or Mystery gift,You can get the tickets to get Jirachi and Deoxys.Extra: In Emerald you can get ALL of those Pokemon (legendary Pokemon in Ruby and Sapphire).But if you get the Eon ticket from Mystery event or Mystery gift,You can go get Latios if you caught Latias and Latias if you caught Latios.(Only in emerald).
In order to catch Registeel in Pokemon diamond, you need to have gotten a level 100 Regigias from a mystery event. This mystery event has passed, so you can no longer get Registeel in Pokemon diamond, unless a friend trades you the mystery event Registeel. The only other way to get Registeel is to trade him from Pokemon emerald, ruby, or sapphire.
Go to the pokemon center in petalburg city. talk to the guy by the pc. put in mystery event is exciting. after that save. whenever you turn on the game you will see a new option, mystery event. To contact me please email me at
you need to go to a convention to get deoxys and stuff like that. or so I've herd.
Once you earn 5 badges go to the Petulburg Pokemon center. there is a guy by the computer. He asks to create a new profile. click yes a nd type in: Mystery event is Exciting. You're now a mystery events member!
Yes actually you can use the mystery gift online in Emerald. Enjoy!
if you can't do your mystery event use this. Master Code: 40FACA3962059 MYSTERY EVENT: 48A7990226J59 5IE6028GK3968