all you have to do is buy a digger drill from a dude and then go to the wall of the place you want your base to be and then go to trapps and click on digger drill its as simple as that
You can't, idiot.
that doesn,t make sence.
Pokemon modifier it can make any Pokemon apeer in wild Pokemon modifier it can make any Pokemon apeer in wild
you have to make him happy. hope this helped!
You can't buy them you have to make your own.
Use a Thunderstone on it. There is one in Sunyshore City. You can also look for some in The Underground.
You have to go underground to get it as a fossil and then go to Oreburge City and go to the building above the Pokemon center and talk to the man at the desk. He will make it Sheildon.(In pearl only)
You can use it anywhere as long as you use it on ground. you can also dig and make secret bases underground!
Open every item lying around and make good use of your ItemFinder. You can also find them in the underground.
Easy just go to Eterna City and go to the House next to the Pokemon Center, There is old man inside the house go talk to him and he will give you some missions, and for his last mission he will tell you to make your own underground base. He will give you the items to make your base. by Erren
You train them
You can make it happy by treating it to spa.
You can only make normal above ground bases, underground bases are only in diamond and pearl and platinum.
Yes, and i think it slightly goes up too. Other: They keep their happiness but it can also decrease if you let them faint. Make them have a haircut at the underground path in Pokemon Heartgold or Soulsilver or make them take massages in Veilstone City in Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum.