First you need ticket from Saffron City by giving Copycat girl her Clefairy Doll in Fan Club in Vermillion City.
In the Pokemon center in ecruteak city When you enter the ecruteak city Pokemon center bill will come down from upstairs then he will return to his house in goldenrod city
The train comes every time in the saffron station and the goldenrod station.If isnt came is because you dont have the train pass.To get it,after you get all the badges,go to saffron city and talk to copy cat she will tell you that her clefary doll as missing.After this fly to vermillion city and go to pokemon fan club,in the table you will find her doll,talk to the guy that is close to it and he will give you the doll.Return it to copy cat and she will give you the train pass.
Aftre meeting him in Ecruteak City, you have to go back to his house in Goldenrod (west and south of the Pokemon Center) with an empty slot in your Pokemon party. Then he should give it to you.
Okay. Here is the answer to that question. You should probably beat Whitney before you leave Goldenrod City. You should also go to the Radio Tower and beat Team Rocket, too. Either: go out the way you came (at the front of Goldenrod) or keep going up. If you go up, then you will get to a Route. Keep going. You will then come to the intersection that leads to the Pokeathalon Dome and National Park. Choose and then go to Ecruteak or do a Pokeathalon.
whenever u beat team rocket at the warehouse in goldenrod
Once you enter Ecruteak City, you will find him in the Pokemon Center. He will come talk to you and ask you to visit him in Goldenrod City, then go to Goldenrod City and he will give you an Eevee.
In the Pokemon center in ecruteak city When you enter the ecruteak city Pokemon center bill will come down from upstairs then he will return to his house in goldenrod city
The train comes every time in the saffron station and the goldenrod station.If isnt came is because you dont have the train pass.To get it,after you get all the badges,go to saffron city and talk to copy cat she will tell you that her clefary doll as missing.After this fly to vermillion city and go to pokemon fan club,in the table you will find her doll,talk to the guy that is close to it and he will give you the doll.Return it to copy cat and she will give you the train pass.
Aftre meeting him in Ecruteak City, you have to go back to his house in Goldenrod (west and south of the Pokemon Center) with an empty slot in your Pokemon party. Then he should give it to you.
Bill lives in a small house on the west side of Goldenrod City. Bill's house is actually on Route 25, where his Grandfather is housesitting. His mother and sister live in Goldenrod City. I think that he has another relative, who might live in Fuchsia City, but I'm not sure about the last part.
You have to go to professor elms house after you defeat team rocket in the goldenrod city radio tower; come with a blank spot in your party so that you can receive to evee
if it is wild, search around the grass until you find it again. If it is a legendary Pokemon, you need to beat the elite four and it will come back. Some Pokemon, though, you cant. For example, in Pokemon Heartgold, if you KO the sudowoodo that you find near goldenrod city, you can't get it back.
you go to goldenrod city and go up past the Pokemon center. take the first left you come to(in front of the game corner) and follow the little path. at the bottom of it is the enterance to the tunnel.
You get an eevee from Bill in Ecruteak City then you come back down to Goldenrod City you'll see an old man in front of an orange house, Bill is inside talk to him an he'll give you an eevee!
There is a daycare south from Goldenrod City put a ditto and any other Pokemon besides legendaries and baby Pokemon then take a long walk come back and talk to the old man near your Pokemon he will give you an egg hatch it to receive a preevolved form of whatever you put in the daycare For example: Raichu+Ditto=Pichu.
Okay. Here is the answer to that question. You should probably beat Whitney before you leave Goldenrod City. You should also go to the Radio Tower and beat Team Rocket, too. Either: go out the way you came (at the front of Goldenrod) or keep going up. If you go up, then you will get to a Route. Keep going. You will then come to the intersection that leads to the Pokeathalon Dome and National Park. Choose and then go to Ecruteak or do a Pokeathalon.
It is located in Goldenrod city. When you first come across it, it is taken over by Team Rocket.