Aftre meeting him in Ecruteak City, you have to go back to his house in Goldenrod (west and south of the Pokemon Center) with an empty slot in your Pokemon party. Then he should give it to you.
you get a silver wing from a man in kanto.
Mt. Silver is near Victory Road. You have to defeat the champion first to go to the left in the entrance. Then you can come to Mt. Silver.
It depends it only will revive if you have action replay
the sailors buddy is in the bottom right room on the right side of where you come in
you can not get Zorua on soul silver and heart gold but you can get it in black and white version that will come out 2010 in japan and 2011 in England and America
If you mean Soul Silver, it will come out in Europe in 2010.
You get an eevee from Bill in Ecruteak City then you come back down to Goldenrod City you'll see an old man in front of an orange house, Bill is inside talk to him an he'll give you an eevee!
you get a silver wing from a man in kanto.
march 19th
Spring 2010.
not a chance
i think it already came out
Heart gold and Soul silver will come out in spring 2010. There will also probably be a special event especially for them, too. It is also believed that you will be able to catch Arceus in both of them. :)
Pokemon heart gold and soul silver comes out on March 14, 2010. says so and so does
Somewhere in Fall 2010
Spring 2010.