don't u mean what Pokemon is 59?
if u do then Pokemon 59 is cherrim
cherrim you can find it by battling a certain Pokemon trainer on iron island
number 59 is cherrim. ace trainer shannon has one, she's on the south side of route 221.
Arcanine is #59 in the national pokedex, and it is a Fire type Pokemon.
Either Cherim or Munchlax
#059 is Cherrim, the evolution of #058 Cherubi.
Number 59 is a Cherrim. To find one the easiest thing to do is find a cherubi and evolve it.
cherrim you can find it by battling a certain Pokemon trainer on iron island
number 59 is cherrim. ace trainer shannon has one, she's on the south side of route 221.
In the national pokedex it's Arcanine. In the sinnoh dex it's Cherrim.
Arcanine is #59 in the national pokedex, and it is a Fire type Pokemon.
Sinnoh PokeDex #59 is Cherrim.
Either Cherim or Munchlax
you find cherubi (in honey tree) then evolve it at level 25
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Pokemon 59 is an Croconaw. A water type and you need an action replay to get it.You can see AAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL of the Pokemon on this site.
in victory road