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The legendary Pokemon near the rock,Shaymin,(that's the name of it),can only be captured thorugh an action replay.(I don't know the code.) Here,Ill show you how: 1:Get the action replay OR go to the Nintendo event and enter the code. 2: Go to where the shiny rock is. Prof. Oak should be there. 3: Answer his questions. A path leading to a valley filled with flowers and hills should appear. 4: Go over the path on your bike.(You should go on your bike because the path is LONG!!!! If you walked,It would take 200000000 years!!!!) 5: You will see Shaymin. Hell run off and you follow. 6: Shaymin will be on the hihest hill. Hes level 30,so go easy on him.Heres how I got him: I had 50 pokeballs and20 timer balls.Weaken him down to the red hp point, then fire balls at him. Save before you fight him. GOOD LUCK!

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Q: In Pokemon Pearl where is the legendary by Shiny Rock?
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