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i did get a lunatone in hg but i cant get a solrock i think you can only get one or the other depending on which one you capture first.

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Q: In Pokemon HeartGold how do you get lunatone?
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What type of Pokemon is lunatone?

Lunatone is a Rock and Psychic type pokemon.

How do you get lunatune in Pokemon HeartGold?

if you mean lunatone then you can get it in the safari zone if the right objects are placed. to find out exactly how visit the pokemon marriland or serebii safari zone guide.

Pokemon sapphire what does lunatone evolve to?

Lunatone doesn't evolve.

Besides with Pokemon Sapphire inserted where can you catch Lunatone in Pokemon diamond?

you CANNOT get Lunatone without inserting Pokemon sapphire in ds

Where can you get lunatone in Pokemon HeartGold?

Go to the mountain area and after getting the national pokedex put 15 rock objects and then he'll appear in between levels 40-44

What area do you find lunatone in Pokemon Ruby?

Lunatone is not found in Pokemon Ruby but it is found in Pokemon Sapphire. There simple done and done... XD

What is the weakness for solrock and lunatone in Pokemon indigo?

for solrock, it is water. for lunatone it is electric. -RR14

Is Lunatone a legendary Pokemon?

no but it is rare

How do you catch Lunatone in Pokemon Emerald?

You can onl catch LUNATONE in SAPPHIRE but you can catch solrock in emerald

How do you get lunatone on Pokemon LeafGreen?

Be more specific.

Where do you find lunatone on Pokemon crystal version GBC?

Lunatone? You can't get it anywhere, and you can't trade it into Crystal.

What is the national pokedex number for Lunatone?

Lunatone is #337 in the national pokedex, and it is a Rock-Psychic type Pokemon.