You can do it by BREEDING - Scyther female and BUG male with silver wind attack... in fire red that may be hard...
In Pokemon Beautifly learns the move silver wind at level 34. This Pokemon learns giga drain when it reaches level 38.
There is no TM icy wind. Your Pokemon have to level up to learn it
Any Dark, Ghost or Bug type Pokemon. Try using moves like Faint attack, Sucker Punch, Shadow Sneak, Shadow Ball, Bug Buzz or Silver Wind.
in a valley where wind is
Teach it to a Butterfree with the ability Compundeyes. Compundeyes boosts the number of Pokemon holding items by 50%. Also teach it Sleep Powder, Whirlwind, and Silver Wind/ Bug Buzz. Use Sleep Powder to make the wild Pokemon sleep, then use Thief to steal the Item. If you cant escape, use whirlwind. Silver Wind/ Bug Buzz are just moves to protect Butterfree. You might consider putting a fainted Pokemon with the Frisk ability in the front slot ( Stantler, Shuppet, or Banette). Frisk lets you know if it has an Item or not.
It doesn't. Silver Wind for Scyther is a TM Move or an Egg Move. But it's not learned naturally.
level 47
Dustox is the only one i know that can use silver wind
Baton Pass is one of Scizor's egg moves you can use a female Scyther or Scizor and then you can use males of either Ledyba, Ledian, Venomoth, Venonat, Spinarqak, Ariados, Gligar, Giscor, Volbeat or Illumise that knows Baton Pass and then you can put the two into the Daycare and the later on you will get an egg from the Daycare Man that will eventually hatch into a Scyther that knows Baton Pass.
Insert a FireRed cartridge into the gameboy and you can find elekids in route 208 and Valley Wind works (this process is called insertion. Can work for other Pokemon GBA games.)
In Pokemon Beautifly learns the move silver wind at level 34. This Pokemon learns giga drain when it reaches level 38.
well if you have a heracross or something with a horn well the 120-power megahorn is good. aside from that TM 89 u-turn and TM 81 x-scissor are good. silver wind is also strategically good. (TM 63 or 61)
you can catch a drifloon every Friday their and if you have a national pokedex you can catch electrike,mareep and flaaffy.
There is no TM icy wind. Your Pokemon have to level up to learn it
Silver Birch are wind pollinated.
Any Dark, Ghost or Bug type Pokemon. Try using moves like Faint attack, Sucker Punch, Shadow Sneak, Shadow Ball, Bug Buzz or Silver Wind.