Beat the elite four after having seen all 150 of the diamond/pearl Pokemon, then you will receive the national dex. From there, the fossils of the two can be found underground in the walls- take them to the Oreburgh museum to revive Lileep and Anorith.In Pokemon emerald only one may be selected.
You get Anorith from a certain Pokemon fossil.
i have a anorith and i need a lileep my trainen number is 2121302 hey 2121302 I'm trading our code is1659274
In the dessert there are 2 fossils at the very back on the right. One is a plant fossil and that will give you lileep the other will give you anorith. Take the fossil you chose back to rustboro city and talk to the guy on the second floor and he will bring it back to life.
If you want an anorith in Pokemon diamond, you have to migrate it from Pokemon ruby, sapphire, or emerald. I used to have Pokemon diamond and Pokemon emerald and I would migrate Pokemon all the time. You have to beat the elite four first, then you will be able to go to pal park. Anorith evolves into Armaldo at level 40.
lileep. According to my research, lileep has a special ability called storm drain, that is, absorb all water attacks. lileep also is ineffected by any attack (Reg. or lower damage dealt to lileep) except for ice moves. Lileep will prove useful against Wallace in the long run. Anorith has swift swim, which is a common ability.
Lileep and Anorith
Claw Fossil - Anorith Root Fossil - Lileep
The fossil Pokemon available in Pokemon Emerald include Anorith, revived from the Claw Fossil, and Lileep, revived from the Root Fossil.
Anorith and Lileep.
The claw fossil is Anorith and the root fossil is lileep =D
anorith,armaldo,lileep or cradily(from fossils)
You get Anorith from a certain Pokemon fossil.
In Red Blue Yellow they are Aerodactyl Omanyte Omastar Kabuto Kabutops In Sapphire Ruby Emerald they are Lileep Cradilly Anorith Armaldo
The root fossil must be brought to the Devon Coronation in Rustboro city. The fossil will then be revived into a lileep Pokemon. The claw fossil also found in emerald revives into the Anorith Pokemon. - explains how to get both fossils, containing anorith and lileep which can be revived at the Devon corporation in rustboro city. anorith is in the claw fossil, lileep is the root fossil.
You'll get an Anorith. CLAW fossil- anorith root fossil-lileep helix fossil- kabuto
root fossil is lileep claw fossil is anorith